Busy working on your computer? Spending hours searching the internet? Get active with Move It, the easiest way to be reminded that you should integrate a break into your work online. Simply add the Move It extension to your browser, set the notification interval, and your screen will present you with a random brain break and exercise to complete. Once you complete it, hit done and the next will arrive after the designated interval elapses again. Keep active with Move It!!
Move it gives you a gentle notification when you've not moved very much in the last hour. Set the sensitivity of the inactivity check depending on your preference. You can set an active time for notifications so you only get the notification during office hours.
Link to Move It! App: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/move-it/kopilngnmfklhhjocdfdlokmodibcbmk?hl=en-US
Add it to your Chrome Browser.